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Place an alignment rod or golf shaft in ground vertically about ten feet in front of mat and inline with target.
Place alignment rod on mat and in line with target about 4 inches to the outside of the ball.
Place golf tee two or three feet directly in front of ball and pointing in line with shaft in the

Hold driver in right hand and place it behind ball directly facing golf tee and vertical rod.
Set up your body square to the rod on the ground so shoulders, hips, knees and feet are all
Practice setting up and get used to how this looks. Most people will have difficulty believing
they are aligned correctly. This is normal until you get used to it. It is common to “think”
you are aligned to the left.

Raise the club head above the ball two or three inches.

Slowly…SLOWLY…move the club head back two feet from ball and then ahead two feet
past the ball in a swinging motion. Swing back and forth two feet in each direction. Notice
the “blurry” arc as it moves. Notice the face of the club as it passes directly over the ball.
The “blur” should go back inside the target line and then back to the ball and then back inside the target line by equal amounts.

If the above doesn’t happen, shift your body around one way or the other until you get an
equal looking “arc” as you go back and forth.

As long as you deliver the face of the club square to the target line and on this rehearsed path,your drives will go straight-ish. The ball may curve SLIGHTLY one way or the other.
If you’ve done this correctly and your drives still go to the right, please watch this video.

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