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All of us who play the game have one thing in common and that is to play better and improve. Whether you’re a brand new beginning golfer falling in love with the game or someone who has played for years, you know you’re not quite “there” yet and there is always room for improvement.


That’s why this website is here. It’s here to help you improve. You will see articles, recommended videos and other information all dedicated to help you play the game better and enjoy it more.


You may see articles and videos with conflicting information on this website but that doesn’t mean any of them are wrong. What it does mean is GOLF is a game with no “one way” to do anything. One instructor might have information he or she believes works very well, while another instructor may totally disagree. That’s GOLF.


Experimentation is a big part of the game. Finding a method that works for “you” is what all instructors are trying to do.  Johnny Miller, U.S. Open Champion and long time NBC Golf Announcer had his own take on this. He called it “The WOOD Method.” WOOD stands for Works Only One Day. 


One of the best golfers of all time knew there was no magic/one way to play this game. Realizing this and trying something else when what you’re doing isn’t working is what I’m suggesting. Everyone who teaches the game has been through it all themselves, including me. Our goal is to help you play the best golf you can.


- Lou Lazarus, Coach and Lifelong Lover of the Game

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